En Ru Cn
Services & Industries
Our Services
Fleet routing

Planning a complex delivery or servicing a geographically spanned group of customers is often a problem where standart solutions do not fit. There is a navigator for a road trip. But what if you’ve got a vehicle fleet of hundreds of cars and 2000 orders per day? Or you need to assemble a train and choose an optimal carriage type and destination in the North or the South of the country? We will tailor our optimization engine to your particular case and help you lower the costs by up to 10% within 3 months after the project launch.


Industrial Production Energy Complex Telecom
Streamlined warehouse operations

Warehouse operations is an area where there is always room for improvement. We can help to design an optimal SKU placement strategy, minimize order picking time, calculate optimal picking routes in real time and manage the order accumulation buffer.


Industrial Production Consumer goods Retail
Packing and loading

If you handle freight of varying weight and size then you are familiar with the problem of its optimal packing and loading it onto a vehicle. It is often aggravated by the forwarder's requirements to follow particular placement schemes, keep track of the center of gravity and the need to unload in a particular order. Our solutions provide automated packing and loading schemes design and help you lower forwarding costs by 2-7%.


Industrial Production Consumer goods
Production scheduling

Production scheduling is one of the most complicated combinatorial problems. Wide product range and multiple production stages amount to countless job plans and schedules. Moreover, there is always a multitude of constraints to be taken into account, namely logistics, sales, finance etc. We are experienced in adopting comprehensive production scheduling which usually allows to increase work ratio by 2-4% within 3 to 6 months. 


Industrial Production Consumer goods Finance Retail
Personnel scheduling

There are a variety of automated and semi-automated scheduling solutions, most of which make use of so-called "greedy" algorithms. As a result, at the end of planning there are tails left out that cause inconvenience to people. Our solution allows to level the workload taking into account all business constraints and employee preferences.


Industrial Production Energy Complex Telecom Consumer goods Service Sector Retail
2D and 3D work nesting

Placement of workpieces in a working chamber of a machine or choosing an optimal work nesting pattern to maximize workload or minimize waste are complicated combinatorial problems. We undertake to cut down on your waste by 3-7%


Industrial Production Telecom
Asset allocation

Design optimal asset allocation strategy, taking into account risks, return and administration costs. Our hard-and-software complex is also capable of generating orders in high-frequency trading systems.


Industrial Production Energy Complex Telecom Consumer goods Service Sector Retail
Purchasing planning

Refine your purchasing process by optimizing your bidding strategy and supply chain.


Industrial Production Consumer goods Finance
Explore Software
Energy Complex

Optimal transportation/service schemes and routes 

Optimal field infrastructure layout

Employees work schedule


Optimal transportation schemes and routes

Optimal packing and loading

Job shop scheduling

Sales and operations planning

Employees work schedule 

Streamlined warehouse operations

Supply chain design

Optimal facilities and outlets location


Service Sector

Optimal service scheme and routes

Employees work schedule 

Optimal facilities and outlets location



Employees work schedule 

Streamlined warehouse operations

Planogram optimization

Optimal facilities and outlets location



Optimal portfolio strategies 

Asset pricing

Optimal clearing strategies

Computing-aided trading strategies

Computing-aided of combinatorial auctions

Optimal security deposit 

Optimal securitization schemes



Dynamic bandwidth distribution

Optimal service scheme and routes

Employees work schedule 

Optimal facilities and outlets location


Industrial Production

All the services offered are suitable for this industry. If you need an individual solution to the problem, contact us and we will discuss all the details.


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